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Being small allows us to create truly remarkable things. Although we have decades of experience working with large multinational companies, we believe that small can be even more mighty.

Our past experience has been centered in the world of Financial Technology, but now we are focusing on how we can help navigate the world away from negative Social Media interactions, to create a positive social conscious and awareness.

Our new project MINDSONNET is aimed to help build a positive social connection between friends and family that is both meaningful and positively enriching.

Parallel Lines


Anyone can be a mentor or coach, and why not as we all have our own unique experiences and lessons to teach. But helping someone stretch themselves to become both successful and happy is a complex conversation requiring experience, ability to listen, and ability to craft a journey together. Many people also focus on success metrics forgetting about the actual person and human and that single simple word: happy. Our experience is well proven in helping coach & mentor highly talented people to achieve a balance between success and happiness.

Hand Shadow


When creating a high achieving team environment words get used and abused easily: Empowerment, Agile, Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Culture. However, the words Human & People get forgotten or viewed as not important. We view things differently and our approach is to create that high achieving environment through focusing on the People first, moving beyond Agile, and creating real human results. This is a new generation of work, and we have proven our results and can help you do the same.

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